A Little Something About Me

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I am a young female trying to make it though college and learn how to do what I love.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Final Dance UPDATED!!!!

Hello fellow Game Artist, Cosplayers and whoever else looks at this!

As I stated back when the Final Dance was posted that parts were going to be redone and after a while I finally got it done!

Pretty much what was redone was the lighting for the outside scenes and the prombot arms so they looked better and didn't look all funky. Then I redid two of the spin pieces only for the fact the backgrounds didn't work right. One was too dark and the other was way to distracting.

The music also got a bit off now since I added in 1 new picture but that was easily fixed with removing a few small parts. Lots of clipping of clips was done!

Let me know what you think of it!

It is now on youtube!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7BTYzfGlZ4

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