A Little Something About Me

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I am a young female trying to make it though college and learn how to do what I love.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wires Wires Everywhere!

Update time everyone !!!! I figure I would start out by saying I will not be posting so many pictures when it comes to the next layer and the final one since it is basically the same thing as what I have posted and I figure that will get boring....If you think not let me know and I can post pictures still. I guess in a sense I don't know how many people are actually looking at my blog when I update it is all.

Also I am a bit behind on my cosplay work so no break after this layer. Also having a few issues now with the body paint, when I went up to SF then I did test out and the color I liked was just a number "587" and it was a nice shade of this blue. I found it on the site but it was the AU Kryolan site. First I was like no big deal about it since I could just order from cosplaysupplies and then that is when I found out there is a chance they do have my color but under a different name but then why the hell was it label wrong and then if it is just new or something than I will be putting in an order for it over the phone.

The other issue is just find the right boas, got a few places to check out. Some halloween store sites and joanns and I tried Michaels a while back appearly and they didn't have any of the boas I was looking for but I may of missed them....so if anyone knows if they got feather boas other than what is in the kid crafts section please let me know or any other places that are common or a site you have order boas from before.

So now to the update with the progress of the cosplay itself.

This is pretty much what it looked like. ALL THE WIRE GOT TWISTED!!!! This took a lot longer than I was expecting it to therefore I started to become behind. At first I was not expecting to have to twist the wires but I had to otherwise it would been a bit to weak to support the feathers since they were so long. I was worried mainly if I bumped into something or someone bumped into me that they would get bent out of shape and then drama drama drama would happen when I am trying to get them into shape.

Here is the a few of the wires before I straigthen them out so they werent twisting and tangling together. This made it a lot easier to get the cloth I am using on the. This also is what put me behind.

This is all the wires covered in the cloth. Also you can see my stand and what will become my harness eventually. Need to hit joanns to get the straps, a buckle, some type of foam, and more. Soon these will be what is in the next picture.

Not sure why it came out blurry but this is just the same one that was in one of my previous postings. I hope to have all of them looking like this one tomorrow as well as having them all bent to the right way.

Well it has been a long night and it is already almost 3am so I am off to bed. =)

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