A Little Something About Me

My photo
I am a young female trying to make it though college and learn how to do what I love.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Final Dance UPDATED!!!!

Hello fellow Game Artist, Cosplayers and whoever else looks at this!

As I stated back when the Final Dance was posted that parts were going to be redone and after a while I finally got it done!

Pretty much what was redone was the lighting for the outside scenes and the prombot arms so they looked better and didn't look all funky. Then I redid two of the spin pieces only for the fact the backgrounds didn't work right. One was too dark and the other was way to distracting.

The music also got a bit off now since I added in 1 new picture but that was easily fixed with removing a few small parts. Lots of clipping of clips was done!

Let me know what you think of it!

It is now on youtube!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7BTYzfGlZ4

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wires Wires Everywhere!

Update time everyone !!!! I figure I would start out by saying I will not be posting so many pictures when it comes to the next layer and the final one since it is basically the same thing as what I have posted and I figure that will get boring....If you think not let me know and I can post pictures still. I guess in a sense I don't know how many people are actually looking at my blog when I update it is all.

Also I am a bit behind on my cosplay work so no break after this layer. Also having a few issues now with the body paint, when I went up to SF then I did test out and the color I liked was just a number "587" and it was a nice shade of this blue. I found it on the site but it was the AU Kryolan site. First I was like no big deal about it since I could just order from cosplaysupplies and then that is when I found out there is a chance they do have my color but under a different name but then why the hell was it label wrong and then if it is just new or something than I will be putting in an order for it over the phone.

The other issue is just find the right boas, got a few places to check out. Some halloween store sites and joanns and I tried Michaels a while back appearly and they didn't have any of the boas I was looking for but I may of missed them....so if anyone knows if they got feather boas other than what is in the kid crafts section please let me know or any other places that are common or a site you have order boas from before.

So now to the update with the progress of the cosplay itself.

This is pretty much what it looked like. ALL THE WIRE GOT TWISTED!!!! This took a lot longer than I was expecting it to therefore I started to become behind. At first I was not expecting to have to twist the wires but I had to otherwise it would been a bit to weak to support the feathers since they were so long. I was worried mainly if I bumped into something or someone bumped into me that they would get bent out of shape and then drama drama drama would happen when I am trying to get them into shape.

Here is the a few of the wires before I straigthen them out so they werent twisting and tangling together. This made it a lot easier to get the cloth I am using on the. This also is what put me behind.

This is all the wires covered in the cloth. Also you can see my stand and what will become my harness eventually. Need to hit joanns to get the straps, a buckle, some type of foam, and more. Soon these will be what is in the next picture.

Not sure why it came out blurry but this is just the same one that was in one of my previous postings. I hope to have all of them looking like this one tomorrow as well as having them all bent to the right way.

Well it has been a long night and it is already almost 3am so I am off to bed. =)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Feather Update!

Well, it is getting there. This will be the longest part (timewise) due to the lengths. The medium length feathers are HALF of the size of these. Then the smaller ones are half of the medium length size about. So once the long ones are done it will seem to go faster.

Here is when I first cut them out. I mainly did it so I didn't have to worry about the length when cutting these in half to get the ideal size. Sorry about the lighting but as you can see I had my window shade up so the purple walls make thing look all purple bluish.

Here is after when I cut them all in half. There is 42 strips of this fabric now hanging in my room. As you can see better in this picture is the yellow stick notes which have a number on them. That way when I am going though them I can see on my list which feather this will be and the length of them.

Here is the overall feather which is 49 inches long. I am lucky to have a floor that is a darkish color so you can see how fluffy it is . Also look there is my foot. =O  This is after a lot of struggling with the wire backing which I will talk about soon in this post.

This is just a close up of the bottom of the fake feather. It shows how part of it is a bit see though as I was talking about in previous post. This is also the reason why I can't say for sure if I will need to make more or not. Hopefully not, it takes me long enough do these as is.

This is the back view of the feather. As you can see there is a sem and I plan on painting that white using (not 100%) some type of puffy paint or just normal paint or nothing at all. Going to wait til I see all of them up on my wings to decide. Adding the paint would not be to much of an issue since this is the back and I can see all of them very easily.

Also with regards to the wire, I do have to do a twist (doesn't have to be tight twist) but it does now require me to order more wire tonight so I know that I got enough. Tonight I will also be ordering all the other supplies I need. Hopefully knock out all the wire tomorrow if not finish have it done by sat. I wish I had help but yeah. Well hopefully things go well. <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Update time! With pictures =O

Hello everyone! I finally have all the pictures that I was hoping to get. Reason for me not posting soon was that I had to change my harness skeleton and then a few other things needed to be fixed up a bit compared to what I first did. I think the heat did me in on the bad decisions I was making. Need to drink a lot of water even if I don't feel thirsty.

This first picture is mainly of the overall stand that I built so when I do put on my "feathers" that I can bend them to the right angle and once the wings are built and done then this will be fixed up (mainly attach a clamp then something else under it to make it I can still get it out) for my room and the hotel room so I don't take up a lot of space. Still looking for roommates for that in case there is anyone interested. Also why there is that shade at the base/ground is due to the fact I got an old old computer chair we had and put that on the bottom. The wheels don't worry 100% but it makes it a lot easier to move then a piece of flat wood.   

This is the wing skeleton for the main wings. It is right now just piping. There may be added structure in this but at this time I don't believe my feathers will need it. I will explain this when I get to the feathers section of this post.

Here is the first edit that I did on the wings. I decided to cut down the straight part of the wings since they seemed like they were going up to much. Also this will be the spot where it could be pulled up so I could go to the bathroom if I need to. It all depends on if I drink water.
This was the second change that I made. Before as you can see in the first picture that it was a lot bigger but then when I got to thinking of the padding and how it would fit on my back I came to the decision that it was to LONG. I had the width right but it went down to far on my back. A tip I recommend for those who will have something attached to their back, have someone else or (as what I did) have somewhere you could put it so you can see how it will fit. That way you can make sure it will work. The only reason before I thought it was fine since I was only comparing it to the front of my body and it fit fine but when it went to my back it had spots where it seemed to go almost to my butt and that would be painful (even with padding) to walk around with. One thing about this I haven't 100% decided on was the type of padding material I will use. I am going to talk with "my" seamstress who helps me with all the sewing for possible materials. If you have something to recommend
     Here are my shoes! They are also know as FM shoes. Thank you Heather S. for giving me the link to them. They are pretty much what I needed. These will take me a while to get use to but I am starting to get it down but I have issues when I try to walk fast. I know with my wings I will be walking PRETTY SLOW but I do need to work since normally I walk fast, what some people call speed walking. Also these shoes have something else you can't see which should be fun to wear at the Blizzcon Afterparty which you can see in the next two pictures of the shoes. ^^


This is the back view of the shoes!

So this is the cloth I will be using to make the feathers. This is laid out on my bed so you can see it better. One thing I was doing all today mainly was trimming the edges since they always put on extra fabric since the edges aren't always as pretty since since as you can tell this is fluffy. Sometimes the edges get cut off wrong. Lucky for me I didn't have the cloth fluffy cut but a very short section at the TOP of it so it will be no problem what so ever. It is pretty soft and nice so it won't bug my skin when it is hitting it. 
Here is my test feather in the right color that I did a while back. The picture is blurry since I did put another type of cloth try right next to it. Once I make the feathers (technically start to make them) I will post a better picture. this one did have a bit of trimming but the only different that will happen is the bottom as you can see it flat so that need more of a curve. I hope to post a tutorial (there is only 1 tutorial on this type of thing that I could find) There are some fake feather tutorials but not with this type of material. One thing I haven't taken a picture of is the back but it has a little seam in the back and also there will be wire on it so then it can bend. The wire I decided on was 16 gauge wire. I thought of 12 gauge but it was getting difficult to bend. This will kept itself shape but has the ability to bend slightly. I may though have to double up on the wire for the longest feathers. I am going to a test with my feather to see if I should double the wire or not by twisting the wire. I will find out tomorrow. The other feathers for their length should not need the double wire.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Back from San Fran!

I had a lovely time there and I picked my aquacolor but I am finding more online so I am comparing to the shade that I liked up there. I put on all the blues but you never know since a few seemed to be missing from the sample shades that they showed me. Either way the blue that I liked only had a number "587" aquacolor. Also sorry but I did forget to take a picture of it so when I order and it comes I will take a picture and post it then. Right now I am going off my memory (which is decent) and comparing it to the shade they show online to see if it is close or not and then going by the other blues I see online but didn't see the sample for. @-@ Should be fine though. From the few I remember since my skin is so light there is not much change in the colors. So if you are reading this and you have some blues and have pictures (or don't mind sending some pictures of the color on your skin) send me a message. =)

Also as I have posted on my facebook I am taking the rest of today off and then tomorrow (July 4th) to get settled in. Then I need to put in my orders for the last supplies I need. Then I need to meet up with a nice person I know to help me with the actually clothes part of it. I fail in sewing so yeah. xD

So I hope to be posting weekly or when something gets done. Like I will post when I get my first feathers done and then post either that day or tomorrow. Also I have not forgotten to post pictures of my skeleton or the thing/stand/ whatever you want to call it to make my wings easier to work with. Even though the harness pack isn't done I will explain why it looks the way it does and stuff. Trust me, you will get it more when I post the pictures.

So overall plan,
Have all the feathers made and hopefully almost or fully done being put on and my clothes will be done by the end of July. Then have the last touches and anything else done before I leave. My goal is to be done with my cosplay a week before I move. I am a bit nervous of leaving my wings behind and I can't check on my work (since it will be end of Aug til I come back done for the convention) and make sure the heat doesn't do any sort of damage to them ( going to do a test about that and I hope it works out right).

Well I hope everyone been having a blast and having a fun time working on their cosplay! I hope as well people are getting sleep and resting property and not exhausting themselves out over it all. =)

Have a Happy 4th! Also I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!

P.S. I also need to work on my animations since those need a bit touch up since I will be turning those in to be reviewed by the school and the BETTER they are , I can hopefully jump some classes at the school. Have to edit some of my credits so they don't think I did the full on animations and then pass me on that class since I do lack on MAKING the animation.